Chapman Hill Ice Rink is a dual-purpose skating facility situated in Durango. In the summer it’s used for roller skating, meanwhile, the rink is refrigerated in the winter and turned to ice.
The pavilion has concessions, skate rentals, a lounge, and rooms for rent. Skating lessons and hockey leagues are available year-round for both youth and adults. Additionally, drop-in hockey is regulated by ability, so please choose an appropriate time slot based on your skill level. Goalies can play at any time.
The rink is closed for major holidays such as New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Chapman also boats a ski area, open from December to March.
Address: 500 Florida Rd, Durango, CO 81301
Phone: 970-375-7395
Season: October – April (ice-skating)
Season: May – September (roller skating)