Are you an experienced caver looking for your next great Colorado cave? Fulford Cave, located off of a short trail just 15 miles outside of Eagle, Colorado, is a well-known spot for spelunkers to explore. It was first recorded in 1874 by geologist Ferdinand Hayden and even today still has hidden nooks and crannies to discover.
You’ll need a good understanding of gear decontamination guidelines so as not to bring in any foreign bacteria. This is because Fulford Cave, like several others in Colorado, is home to a species of bat that can easily succumb to White Nose Syndrome, a severe and deadly disease that humans can pass onto bats by bringing contaminated gear.
That’s also why this cave is closed between October and April–to allow the bats to hibernate without being disturbed.
Fulford Cave Campground
The Fulford Cave Campground is open from May/June to mid-October. It’s first-come, first-serve. There is a vault toilet, but no potable water. It receives light usage and a lot of bear activity, so pack up your goods
Getting There
Fulford Cave is thankfully pretty easy to find, as there is a campground named for it. From the town of Eagle, CO, take Brush Creek Road south for about 10 miles. When you hit East Brush Creek, turn left and head 7 miles down the narrow, rocky road to get to Fulford Cave Campground. From the campground, a .7mi trail leads to the cave entrance.
The cave is open annually from mid-April to mid-October, although cave-goers must have a permit granted by the Forest Service to enter the cave. If you’re planning to visit Fulford Cave, be sure to bring at least a few sources of light, as the cave will be completely dark. Be careful when scrambling over the wet, slippery rocks, and never go caving alone.
Address: Basalt, CO 81621 (closest town Eagle)
Season: mid April to Mid October