George Rowe Museum resides in a former school house in quiet, historic Silver Plume, CO. The school house was built in 1894 after the silver bust and closed in 1959. it was purchased by major George Row and reopened as a museum in 1960.
The school was designed by one of Denver’s leading architects, William Quayle. It was built at a time when mining was on the decline, so miners came to work on the schoolhouse. It was a way of keeping the economy of Silver Plume going.
The museum houses the history of Silver Plume. Items include Old West artifacts from the mining days and beyond in the Plume.
- Mining
- School
- Fashion
- Religion
- Residents
- Local Bands
Address: 315 Main St, Silver Plume, CO 80476
Phone: 303-569-2562
Season: Memorial through Labor Day (varies)
Hours: 10am-4pm, hours vary, usually open weekends during summer
Admission: Yes, a small charge